‘Workshops for Gaza’ Launches Joint Online Educational Series + Fundraiser

JUNE 2024 — Earlier this month, a group of writers and educators launched “Workshops for Gaza,” and the first workshops are set to be taught in July and August.

Workshops for Gaza is a project inspired by the Popular University for Gaza, and they write in their launch thread that the group, “dreams of a world where learning and education is marshaled in service of Palestinian liberation rather than the death-making profits of university board members.”

The first four workshops are:

July 7: Summer Farah (@summabis) “Book Reviewing 101

July 13: Khairani Barokka (@mailbykite), “Writing the Bodymind in Colonial Capitalism

July 20-21: Joshua Clover, “Pipeline Colonialism

August 10: Dr. Wendy Matsumura (@wym201), “A People’s History of Okinawa.”

Those interested in the workshops can sign up here; organizers are asking attendees to contribute at least $30 per hour of workshop (e.g. $60 for a 2-hour workshop, $120 for a 4-hour workshop, etc). They add: “Please contribute more if you can! All workshops are free for Palestinians.”

All funds raised go directly to active Gazan fundraisers.

For those interested in teaching a workshop, organizers say that “the guidelines are pretty open. Anyone can propose to teach anything that can be taught over zoom.” They add that: “it would be great to see people teaching workshops on cartoons / drawing / political art, music, or really anything. If it’s relevant to Palestine or anti colonial struggle or resistance in some way, even better.” Those interested in teaching a workshop can submit their details through this Google form.

Workshops for Gaza organizers have been in contact with a few people in Gaza whose fundraisers they are currently supporting. They say, “Workshop teachers can specify where they would like funds from their class to go, but many have been trusting us to match them with vetted fundraisers.”

Beyond teaching or joining a workshop, or simply donating to one of the active fundraisers, Workshops for Gaza organizers are also looking for help with promoting the workshops and outreach to new communities.

You can find out more and get updates at @Workshops4Gaza on Twitter and Instagram.

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